The Counter-Intuitive Wisdom of Pitching Your Expertise

The most valuable asset we have to offer our customers is our particular expertise in solving their problems. Others may have the same technology, but we have the superior application. Others may offer the same service, but we do it better, with greater efficiency. Or perhaps we’re in one of those Continue Reading

Have You Ever Been to a Networking Event? These Are the 5 People You Want to Meet

Conferences are awesome learning opportunities. Most are carefully crafted to bring top industry leaders and up-and-coming business professionals together for several days of instruction and fellowship—all in an environment that hopefully serves as a much-needed “getaway” for participants and Continue Reading

8 Things You Should Know About Business Development For Start-Ups

That unequivocal buzzword,  “business development” (“BD / Biz Dev” for short) is thrown around frequently in start-up circles. Unfortunately, there’s no clear consensus on what the term means or what scope of activities it covers. My favorite interpretation of the phrase is Business Insider’s, Continue Reading

The Subtle Art of Closing the Deal

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of mastering “the art of the close.” You can get every other aspect of your sales process perfect, but if you fumble the closing stage, all that effort is wasted. You lose a client. They miss out on your solution. How can we do better at Continue Reading

All in Your Head: Discovering the Winner’s Mindset

It’s not hard to see the similarities between business and professional sports. Many have written about it before. Both are highly competitive. Both demand skill and training, talent and good instincts. Both offer tremendous rewards for success, and both can deal devastating blows for failure. In Continue Reading

Four Tips for Getting in Your Customers’ Head

Understanding and learning to think like our customers is the lifeblood of innovation. We all know that. But sometimes we forget, and even in the midst of a successful growth streak we suddenly catch ourselves wondering where to go next. Let’s relearn some of the lessons that you may have been Continue Reading

Selling the Imagination: Why Great Storytellers Make Great Salespeople

What key business skill did the late Steve Jobs and the folk legend Scheherazade have in common? GREAT storytelling ability. Applying the same cunning with which the Persian queen persuaded a jealous king to spare her life, the Apple visionary won over thousands of users, captivating them with his Continue Reading

Detailing The Law School Bubble

Traditional wisdom about lucrative, stable career options includes such titles as “doctor” and “lawyer,” but not necessarily “startup engineer” or “executive vice-president.” Many of the nation’s wealthiest individuals, in fact, are startup founders, finance moguls and corporate executives, but that Continue Reading

How to Capitalize on Crowdfunding: A Brief Synopsis of Crowdfunding

Assessing entrepreneurial dilemmas is important for startup engineering. Capital is often an early hurdle, or dilemma, for getting an idea into an execution stage. Crowdfunding can seed an idea, enable initial growth and supplement series-A rounds of fundraising. The United States Congress has Continue Reading

The Entrepreneur’s Employment Dilemma

Tim Ferriss preaches time efficiency and immediate retirement through regimented workflow. His ideas to create residual income built from self-sustained online ordering services have inspired countless online marketers. For entrepreneurs who intend to build businesses scalable to the world, this is Continue Reading

The Power of Persuasion – Social Proof

Social proof - heard of it? The power of persuasion… When it comes to marketing, online and otherwise, it’s very true that many methods of doing so and gaining new customers in the process have been heavily exhausted. We all know that advertisements are everywhere these days, no matter where you Continue Reading