4 Simple Principles for Writing Highly Effective Emails

According to a widely cited report by the Radicati Group, the average business person sends and receives more than a hundred emails—every single day. And that number is only expected to grow. Undoubtedly, email is a powerful tool for sales correspondence, but when our message is just one of a Continue Reading

What Is “Business Acumen,” and How Can You Develop It?

We all know the type. You can sense who they are as soon as you walk into a room. They’re the “big picture” guys—people who intuitively appreciate the various moving parts in an organizational system and work toward mutually beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders involved in a business decision Continue Reading

Why Your Company Should Do Everything to Avoid the Boom-Bust Cycle

Many companies accept the boom and bust periods as a necessary part of the business cycle. However, nothing is more wrong than that; boom-bust cycle is detrimental both to your business and your employees. Listed are seven main reasons why your company should do everything to maintain a consistent Continue Reading

You Are Not As Rational As You Think — 6 Cognitive Biases Sales Reps Should Watch Out For

People are judgmental, opinionated beings. We like to think that we are more rational than we really are. We tend to overestimate our intuition and we love to draw conclusions and make assumptions. Think of your aunt who saw you drunk twice in your life. It did not take her long to assume you Continue Reading

13 Proven Steps for Winning Sales Conversations

There are many strategies out there on how to trump your competitors in a sale conversation. As this is something I’ve been studying and testing for a while, I’d like to share my insights. Even if it doesn’t get you to change your current practices, I am sure that some of the issues will make you Continue Reading

7 Powerful MVP Strategies to See If the World Really Wants Your Product

Every entrepreneur has faced the risk of investing a lot of time and money in something nobody really wants -- ergo the frequently recommended strategy ‘minimum viable product’ (MVP). Basically, MVP is the methodology you use when launching a new product and testing its features in the real world Continue Reading

Detailing The Law School Bubble

Traditional wisdom about lucrative, stable career options includes such titles as “doctor” and “lawyer,” but not necessarily “startup engineer” or “executive vice-president.” Many of the nation’s wealthiest individuals, in fact, are startup founders, finance moguls and corporate executives, but that Continue Reading

We Are All Connected… The New Server Economy

As times and technologies change, so too do the way companies do business and consumers interact. Though there was a time the only way companies could stay competitive in this evolving and expanding market was to spend big bucks on their own equipment and technical expertise, today’s new server Continue Reading

The Next Step Towards The Future, HTML5

The fifth version of HyperText Markup Language (HTML5) is being developed and speculation is that it will hit the market sometime in 2014 or 2015. The new system aims to maintain the flexibility and power of the old HTML, while adding several new elements, one of which is consistency and a Continue Reading

Migrating Your Business to the Cloud – Precautions and Infrastructure Needs

2012 has been the year of transitioning to the cloud, even though it’s a considerably old Internet infrastructure model for businesses. Most executives understand that web space (or cloud space) is not a new invention, but it has new relevance. Looking back, store products showcased in physical Continue Reading

Quick Insight Into Collaborative Consumption

Author and market analyzer, Rachel Botsman, describes collaborative consumption as a generational trend of sharing, interacting and bartering with selfless tendencies, while maintaining capitalistic behavior. I agree with Botsman’s assessment when viewing company products and agency projects like: Continue Reading