

A Guide to Getting the Corner Office


Embrace your ambition. You have the drive to excel, but harnessing your energy into an action-oriented path isn’t entirely clear. Supercharge Your Career is the guide to building and executing your ideal career plan.

 My focus on training and teaching business skills has always been to create that needed momentum. The Supercharge guide was designed to take you from goal conception to goal completion, all while chiseling away at the time it takes to get there. The tools I’ve tested and developed for each stage of Supercharge Your Career will craft your personal story, launch you to the top choice of the job pool, and build skills that will make you an undeniable asset.

 Along with my own experiences, these tools are backed up with extensive industry knowledge from Tim Ferris, Mark Suster, Guy Kawasaki, James Altucher, Stephen Dubner, Cal Newport, and many other big thinkers. Research and case studies out of Harvard, UCLA, MIT, and many business consulting firms provide the data to support many of the theories and techniques offered in Supercharge Your Career.

What’s holding you back?


You’ve hit a wall in your career development. You could be just out of college or off a burned-out job in another industry. You want to make a big change in your career, your work game plan, your network, and your life. But a new job means starting from scratch, doesn’t it? No experience, no references, and no idea where to start.

The fears and doubts above are what will truly keep you from moving forward. However, the Supercharge Your Career guide in full-use proves that all you need to start a brand new career move are well-crafted tools and a winner’s mindset. I’ve refined a series of successful emails templates, networking tactics, resumes hacks, and learning strategies in this book that will deliver your goals ahead of schedule and help conquer the reluctance to start over.

How will you take charge of your career?


You professional brand is yours to design. With guidelines and impression advice, you can turn your online presence from amateur to a rock star applicant. The network around you is more expansive and influential than you think. Introduction email templates and an understanding of your true needs will have you trading information and encouragement across the connections that matter. The job hunt isn’t as scary when you know how to access managers, blueprint the right resume, and nail the interview. You will stand out as a leader and job expert by accessing the best ways to acquire dynamic, attributable skills. All of these bits of ingenuity and techniques are laid out in the Supercharge Your Career guide, which is meant to stay with you in every venture thereafter.

Tools & Strategies Breakdown

The Next Step

  • Finding your values and ambitions and matching them with the right path.
  • Mapping out your dream job and the way to get it.
  • The benefits and limitations of the Start-Up culture, Corporate culture, and challenges of Entrepreneurship.

Build & Manage Your Network

  • Creating and regulating your online image.
  • Presenting your skills and qualities ahead of your experience.
  • Reaching “unreachable” contacts and keeping up a valuable relationship.
  • Finding the right groups and right people to associate with.
  • Writing great emails and focusing on important connections.

Tackling The Hunt & Getting The Job You Want

  • Creating a fresh, elegant resume.
  • Navigating job boards, postings, and deciphering what they want.
  • Finding that possible lateral move at a job.
  • Being the best candidate interviewed.

Mastering The Position

  • Hacking productivity skills to work best for you.Throwing away the to-do list and accomplishing more.
  • Learning skills faster and utilizing them longer.
  • Becoming invaluable.

The Corner Office

  • Being a leader.
  • Getting to the final goal.
  • Building your next plan.
  • Staying at the top.


Supercharge Your Career acts as a guide to improve your job advancement and push your ambition to a stage of quick success and valuable contribution. Companies will be chasing you down, lauding your work, and giving you that corner office.

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A Guide to Getting the Corner Office