How An Accurate Sales Forecast Can Win You a Promotion

Early on in a sales career, it’s easy to view sales is a solo job… after all; you are the only one responsible for your own quota, right?  This attitude can’t be farther from the truth when you realize a company counting on your predictions and results. If you ‘miss’, the company misses, and the Continue Reading

9 Powerful Editing Tips to Make Your Copy Shine

Self-editing is not an easy thing; it requires being highly critical about your own writing. You need to be able to observe your writing from someone else’s perspective -- the Imaginary Reader – and spot if there is anything that this reader might have difficulties understanding. Although it all Continue Reading

You Are Not As Rational As You Think — 6 Cognitive Biases Sales Reps Should Watch Out For

People are judgmental, opinionated beings. We like to think that we are more rational than we really are. We tend to overestimate our intuition and we love to draw conclusions and make assumptions. Think of your aunt who saw you drunk twice in your life. It did not take her long to assume you Continue Reading

13 Proven Steps for Winning Sales Conversations

There are many strategies out there on how to trump your competitors in a sale conversation. As this is something I’ve been studying and testing for a while, I’d like to share my insights. Even if it doesn’t get you to change your current practices, I am sure that some of the issues will make you Continue Reading

On the Unused Potential of LinkedIn InMails

The awesome thing about LinkedIn is that you are protected like a sea turtle from any unwanted communication. On the other hand, we all use LinkedIn to connect. So, here comes the big question: if everyone else values their privacy on LinkedIn as much as I do, how are we to connect with one Continue Reading

Learning from the Best: Top 120 Sales Companies Sharing Their Practices

I recently read a great case study on sales growth and I would like to share with you the most important key points that can help you drive sales. The case study was named “Sales Growth: Five Proven Strategies from the World's Sales Leaders” and it was done by a team of global leaders from Continue Reading

Thinking about Hiring Your First Salesperson? Read This First.

Returning from SXSW the other week reminded me of some of the most challenging obstacles entrepreneurs face in growing their businesses. Ironically, such challenges arise as things are beginning to look truly favorable. Sales are good. The opportunities list is growing. We’re feeling optimistic Continue Reading

Regulate the Sale: the F.A.S.T.E.R. Approach (part 7)

This is the last of a series of seven posts on the importance of bringing a focused methodology to the madness that is the sales environment. By this point we’ve done just about all that we can to reach out to the customer directly. We’ve communicated real value by “finding the need” and Continue Reading

Enter the Fray: the F.A.S.T.E.R. Approach (part 6)

This is the sixth in a series of seven posts on the importance of bringing a focused methodology to the madness that is the sales environment. We’ve accomplished a lot by this point. We’ve “found the need” and “articulated the solution,” communicating real value to the customer. We’ve managed to Continue Reading

Tag Your Advocate: the F.A.S.T.E.R. Approach (part 5)

This is the fifth in a series of seven posts on the importance of bringing a focused methodology to the madness that is the sales environment. At this point we already understand the importance of “finding the need’ and “articulating the solution”. We’ve done our job communicating real value, and Continue Reading

Spark a Fire: the F.A.S.T.E.R. Approach (part 4)

This is the fourth of a series of seven posts on the importance of bringing a focused methodology to the madness that is the sales environment. We have already examined the importance of “finding the need” and the craft of “articulating the solution”, so today, we’ll be looking at the third part of Continue Reading