Let’s Have Fun! (in sales)

Last week I was in New York speaking at a conference; during my time on stage, I used the phrase, “If you can’t have fun, you shouldn’t be in this room (and probably can’t sell”), and the reaction I received was interesting to say the least. As I scanned the room, bewildered faces seemed to be the majority. One (brave) individual raised his hand and hesitantly asked, “How do you make sales fun? Inside sales especially when you can’t see the other individuals and feed off human interaction”.

The purpose behind my message in this session was geared towards building an atmosphere of high-level success through strong selling techniques. Creating a culture of fun allows true professionals (aka, the hardworking ones) the ability to remain focused in the always, challenging sales environment. Furthermore, while maintaining accountability and surpassing goals remain the primary objectives – confirming the sales professional is motivated through a fun approach creates much needed stability. This absolute constant solidifies long-term relationships and ensures a higher sales volume. Here are some concepts, which can assist with creating a successful, yet fun working atmosphere.

Loving what you do will change your work atmosphere.

When you fail to love what you do, you demonstrate to your clients and co-workers that you don’t trust your own company, product or team. One or all of these things has failed you at some point, whether that is in quality, honesty, or reliability, and that failure keeps you from loving it.

Effective leaders encourage employees to fall in love with their company. They do this by leading through example and giving employees powerful incentives to follow.

  • They plan and foot the bill for a company or team retreat to build relationships and foster trust.

  • They provide extra training to help employees remain up-to-date and productive.

  • They often choose to give small, thoughtful gifts and engage with workers socially outside of work.

  • They believe that appropriate bonuses should be awarded for accomplishing goals.

  • They wield words to build each individual, such as “Great job calling that client back and making sure he understood the contract terms” or “Thank you for working hard to get this done” or “I appreciate everything that you do for us”

To be truly effective at your job, you should love it and incite your employees to fall in love with your company. Your love for your work can make your client relationships better, if you employ good relationship-building techniques.

Prospect with a relaxed approach.

A relaxed approach during the sales process generally puts a client at ease and will make a prospect more receptive to your presentation… thereby increasing a willingness to work with you. To be very clear, clowning around does not promote a professional demeanor and will likely be detrimental, however the relaxed approach will certainly increase the odds of success over your “high pressure” competition. Emotion is the driving force behind successful sales. You must ensure your presentation transfers a friendly emotion to the client in the hope they react in a positive manner.

Many of the world’s leading sales professionals suggest creating a sales environment where prospects “like you and listen to you”. Each client interaction will create a positive or negative feeling, and will leave them with a lasting memory of you. A relaxed and fun presentation will help you to connect with a prospect; an important first step in building a lasting, loyal and trustworthy relationship. Here are several concepts which can improve your ability to bond with a prospect:

Working with clients can be easier.

Connecting with clients or potential clients is the most important part of sales. Your job is to create a relationship with an individual that leads them to invest in your product or services. The following techniques will lead to higher sales within your company and better rapport with your clients.

  • Listen to your clients like a child. Children pay attention to details, they ask questions, and they remember what you told them—if they value you. Write down two or three personal details about the client that you can ask about next time, such as a son’s basketball team wins or the repairs on a beloved fishing boat.

  • Ask questions. The more you know about what the customer wants, the easier it will be to supply it.

  • Date your clients. A better word for this might be “court” but the meaning remains: build a relationship. You can do this by sending a quick email with a pertinent article linked, sharing some personal information, and remaining respectful of their busy schedule.

  • Meet one-on-one. The digital world just doesn’t cut it.

  • Be unforgettable. An interesting technique I have heard suggests memorizing the names and locations of many audience members before walking onstage. This way, one can mention them by name, mid speech. Knowing someone’s name instantly endears you to that person and makes them feel memorable, which will in turn make you memorable.

Greater commissions and personal rewards will come from a relaxed and fun sales process, which separates you from the high-pressure competition. It makes your daily routine more enjoyable; an attribute felt by your clients. Be creative, be fun and try new approaches, which engage the client and increase your sales.